This superfood detox salad is as vitamin rich and nutritious, as it is yummy - try it as a post-holiday treat and a break from the heavy food streak.
-Anne Deni
Course: Salad
Servings: 6 -8
1 small cabbage - red or green
5-6 carrots
1 red beet
1 avocado
1/2 cup fresh dill
2/3 cup chopped walnuts
For the dressing:
2-3 garlic cloves
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup unfiltered apple cider vinegar
Shred cabbage(s), carrots and beets in food processor. Remove to a bowl.
Chop the walnuts roughly (or pulse a few times in the food processor)
Make dressing by mixing oil, vinegar and pressed garlic cloves.
Add the chopped fresh dill, and walnuts to the veggies, a few pinches of salt, and pour the dressing over. Mix really well and adjust the salt and acidity if needed (it's better to do this 10-15 min before serving).
Chop the avocado, and add to the salad, mix lightly. Serve with more chopped walnuts on top.